
Award-Winning Strategy and Creative

[Pro Email Tips] 5 Fool-Proof Ways to Obliterate the Terror of Email Errors

2023-04-28T16:37:16-05:00October 2, 2020|Blog Articles|

Each day, the average Jo gets 121 emails in their work inbox out of the 8 million emails that are sent every second—or 294 billion emails every day. If that makes you feel like the swirly-eyed emoji, we understand (especially when you realize that 59% of folks check their email on the toilet, but we’re not going to go there). To boost your communication, try some simple email tips.

Funding Foundations: How to Develop Resources to Support Students During a Pandemic

2022-06-14T14:56:37-05:00September 30, 2020|Podcasts|

Just like our students, our community colleges are struggling to maintain the resources they need during this critical time. State budgets are uncertain, and many colleges are facing budget cuts, layoffs, and furlough, all while trying to support our students—many of whom are facing food and housing insecurity. Join Dr. Pam Cox-Otto and Oakland Community College’s Vice Chancellor for Advancement Dan Jenuwine as they discuss the important role of your college foundation in helping students stay students.

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