Marketing Solutions for Community Colleges
Blogs, Webinars, Podcasts and More!
Our website recently got an overhaul, but you’ll still find all the same helpful content.
Keep scrolling to see the latest news and pro-tips in community college marketing.
Zero in on High School Prospects Without Wasting Precious Marketing Dollars
In a world of online opportunities, higher education options for high school students can seem endless. If you’re worried about finding ways [...]
Behind The Scenes of a Higher Ed Hero: Dr. Angela Kersenbrock on Equity & How to Rock Absolutely Affordable Bachelor’s Degrees
Pictured above: CCBA President Dr. Angela Kersenbrock Accessible Bachelor’s Degrees at Community Colleges: Interact is a Gold Sponsor, CCBA Pathways to Equity Virtual [...]
Creating New Opportunities: How Offering Bachelor’s Degrees Can Transform Students’ Lives
Dr. Cox-Otto and Dr. Kersenbrock discuss the benefits of creating baccalaureate programs not only for colleges, but for students too.
5 Insights from Media Prefs’ Fall 2020 Survey
Students are talking. Here are five of the top takeaways to guide your decision making and bolster recruitment and retention in 2021.
Quick Tips! How to Market to Adults
In this Quick Tips! video, Interact CEO Pam Cox-Otto, Ph.D. gives strategies to market to adult and nontraditional learners.
Quick Tips! Start Now for Fall 2021
In this Quick Tips! video, Interact CEO Dr. Pam Cox-Otto explains what you need to start doing to begin recruiting for the fall semester.