The graduation month to remember is here. Despite the craziness of the past academic year, convocations across the nation went on without a hitch. And maybe because of all the hurdles we overcame together, there might have been more happy tears flowing at this year’s celebrations. If you’re tearing up with pride just thinking about May, then you are in the right place.
Without further ado, please enjoy the highlights of the graduation season from the conversation on social media!

1. Amazing Students Rocking the Graduation Season
A Keynote Speaker to Inspire

Ready for an inspiring graduation story? Then meet Fulisha, Student of Note at Madera Community College. It was through community college that the graduate found the power to pay it forward.
According to the Facebook post,
“Fulisha was abandoned by her mother at the age of 9. From there, she survived primarily by staying on friends’ couches. At the age of 12, Fulisha met a young man who she believed to be the man of her dreams. A few short years later, at the age of 15, she became pregnant with her first son. At this point, she officially dropped out of high school having not really attended school much through middle school or high school.
“As the years passed, she had more children – 6 total. The father of her children became possessive and both physically and emotionally abusive. After multiple attempts, she was finally able to muster the courage to leave and moved back to Madera where she had grown up. Fulisha came with only her children and the clothes on their backs.
“Then came a turning point.
“One day, her youngest son won an award at school, and he didn’t tell her. When his brother asked him why he didn’t tell mom, his response broke her heart: ‘I didn’t tell mom because she never comes to our stuff. She’s always too busy working.’
“In that moment, Fulisha knew she needed one job that would provide enough income and allow her to be involved in her children’s lives. The following day, she enrolled in GED classes and passed all of her tests within two months. From there, she enrolled in college and hit the ground running.”
From Madera Community College’s Facebook Page
A Happy Ending
In conclusion, Fulisha doubled majored in Psychology and Administration Justice. This month, she graduated with honors. Then, in the fall, she heads off for Fresno State in the fall and majoring in Victimology. Her dream? She plans to open a women’s home for domestic abuse.
One Tassel Totally Worth the Hassle

Diana was also a STEM Student of the Month this May!
According to Dilip Patel, Professor of Chemistry & Coordinator of Chemistry Program,
“Diana Mohammad Basher is an outstanding student in the Pre-Pharmacy program. Diana is a hard-working student who maintains exceptional grades in chemistry courses. With a GPA of 4.0 in her pre-pharmacy program coursework, she is planning to attend the Doctor of Pharmacy program at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS) in Worcester.
“A very good motivator with strong leadership qualities, she also helps and guides freshman and sophomore students who intend to get into QCC’s pre-pharmacy program. Diana has been working in QCC’s admissions department as a work-study student and is a strong ambassador for the college.”
From STEM Students of the Month, Quinsigamond Community College
For Everybody Going Through Tough Times: The Graduation that Finally Made It!
“Graduated high school with a 3.0 GPA…
Rejected or waitlisted from every college I wanted…
Went to community college and worked my butt off…
Everyone told me I only had good grades because I go to community college…
Today I’m graduating from the best public New York school with a 3.7 GPA and got admitted to grad school!”
Congrats, Jordan! In the end, you so earned it!
Break: Walk the Graduation Walk!
2. Good Wishes for the Graduation
An Unexpected Graduation Gift

Without telling students, Contra Costa Community College District wiped away student debt to celebrate a graduation like no other! According to this article,
“Alexander Walker-Griffin is finishing his last days at Contra Costa College, a community college in Northern California. Only one thing was standing in his way: student debt.
“Then he got an email.
“’To be quite honest with you, I was a little confused and a little bit concerned. I was like, is this a scam?’ said Walker-Griffin…
“About 85% of the students that attend CCC are low- or middle-income. That makes the average debt forgiveness of $214 a big deal for those who received it…“This is just one of the replies she received from a student who just lost her mother.
“‘The debt that you choose to pay for me is monumental and bitter-sweet. What may have seemed like a drop in the bucket to you was like a tidal wave in my life,” Marcellino read from the letter.
“’For a low-income student, a student with a family, struggling to put food on the table, maybe housing insecure, $400, $200, $150 matters,’ said Marcellino.”
Community college wipes graduating students’ debt as graduation gift
Happy Tassel Day!

So here’s a surprising graduation fact: cords with tassels were used dating back to the 14th century to honor grads. Fast-forward to today’s graduation ceremonies, where students symbolically place the tassel on the right. Why? That’s because it shows the student has crossed over from college to the next stage in their life.

Break: Paws for Good Luck!

3. The Graduation to Remember!

Media Prefs Gives Grads Good Vibes

That about wraps it up for May! As well as the academic year. Summer break is so close, you can almost taste it. Plus, this year, you totally earned it! ????
If you’re looking for more, then check out #cccommunity3: Crazy about Community College Month.
Do you have a personal best you’d like to share? Then please send your good news to for a chance to be featured in our next #cccommunity3!