Did someone say holiday sing-a-long? Why, yes! To end the year, we present you with the “Months of Quarantine.” You can carol it to your coworkers at the appropriate social distance. ????
To the tune of “A Partridge in a Pear Tree.”
1. MARCH: Affordable Education Virtually
In the first month of quarantine, our community colleges gave to thee, affordable education virtually!

2. APRIL: Compassionate Connections
In the second month of quarantine, our community colleges gave to thee:
- compassionate connections
- and affordable education virtually!

3. MAY: Online Commencement
In the third month of quarantine, our community colleges gave to thee
- online commencement
- compassionate connections
- and affordable education virtually!

4. JUNE: Accelerated Learning
In the fourth month of quarantine, our community colleges gave to thee
- accelerated learning
- online commencement
- compassionate connections
- and affordable education virtually!

5. JULY: Laptops a-Loaning
In the fifth month of quarantine, our community colleges gave to thee
- laptops a-loaning
- accelerated learning
- online commencement
- compassionate connections
- and affordable education virtually!

6. AUGUST: Food Banks a-Giving
In the sixth month of quarantine, our community colleges gave to thee
- food banks a-giving
- laptops a-loaning
- accelerated learning
- online commencement
- compassionate connections
- and affordable education virtually!

7. SEPTEMBER: Online-ing!
In the seventh month of quarantine, our community colleges gave to thee
- fall semester online-ing
- food banks a-giving
- laptops a-loaning
- accelerated learning
- online commencement
- compassionate connections
- and affordable education virtually!

8. OCTOBER: Flu Vaccine a-Drive Thrus
In the eighth month of quarantine, our community colleges gave to thee
- flu vaccine a-drive thrus
- fall semester online-ing
- food banks a-giving
- laptops a-loaning
- accelerated learning
- online commencement
- compassionate connections
- and affordable education virtually! (Whew!)

9. NOVEMBER: On-Campus a-Voting
In the ninth month of quarantine, our community colleges gave to thee
- on-campus a-voting
- flu vaccine a-drive thrus
- fall semester online-ing
- food banks a-giving
- laptops a-loaning
- accelerated learning
- online commencement
- compassionate connections
- and affordable education virtually! (Now say it ten times fast!)

10. DECEMBER: And a Well-Deserved Winter Break!
Sing it with us now!
In the tenth month of quarantine, our community colleges gave to thee
- Winter break at long last!
- on-campus a-voting
- flu vaccine a-drive thrus
- fall semester online-ing
- food banks a-giving
- laptops a-loaning
- accelerated learning
- online commencement
- compassionate connections
- and affordable education virtually!

Community colleges have given us so much this year. So, during the holiday season, we hope you know how grateful we are. Also, ten points to Gryffindor if you post a video of yourself this holiday caroling “The Months of Quarantine” on social media. ????

Want some more end-of-year wrap up? Then check out these other blogs:
- How to Rock Inclusive Holiday Greetings to Celebrate the Season
- Community College Marketers with an Attitude of Gratitude. Even in 2020!
- Top 10 Stories of the Month: November 2020 Edition
- #cccommunity3: Grateful, Thankful & Wonderful
Do you have a personal best you’d like to share? Then please send your good news to reachout@interactcom.com for a chance to be featured in our next #cccommunity3!